
About Us>>
LHBC is a conservative and compassionate, nondenominational church that is committed to fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the faithful and uncompromising proclamation of God’s inerrant and authoritative Word. As a Christ centered and spirit driven church, we strive to be a compassionate and active church family that prioritizes the truth and love of Jesus Christ. We function as a NT church and focus on the exaltation of Jesus Christ, the edification and encouragement of the Body of Christ, and the evangelization of the world.
We strive to provide an atmosphere of encouraging fellowship and uplifting worship. We view the Church as God’s family, where individuals can be supported and encouraged while discovering and deploying their spiritual gifts in the ministry of building Christ’s body. We also recognize the vital role of the Christian family and provide various ministries for children and adults. As an Evangelical Church we also support a number of gospel centered missions locally and worldwide, while also seeking to evangelize our surrounding community.

Starting Date: May 28, 2006
After meeting to pray and seek the Lord’s direction, a small group of believers, led by Pastor Mark DeSilva, stepped out in faith to establish Living Hope Bible Church, and hold its first Sunday worship service on May 28, 2006, at the Wyoming Camp Ground in Harding, PA. Services were held in their camp chapel till the end of that camping season. LHBC then moved its services to the West Wyoming Fire House in October of 2006, and conducted its gatherings there for 2 years. Then in 2008, LHBC was provided the opportunity to begin worshiping at the Plains United Presbyterian Church at 35 South Main Street.
After the PUP Church decided to disband in January of 2010, they saw fit to graciously sell us their church building for only $5.00. To this day, LHBC is indebted to both the Wyoming Camp Ground, and the former PUP for being willing instruments of God to help LHBC begin and establish their ministry.
LHBC enjoyed 11 years of ministry at the Plains location, and made extensive renovations to the 150 year old building during its custodianship of God’s House. The congregation prayed for the Lord’s guidance if His will was to expand our outreach. After answered prayers, LHBC was provided a wonderful opportunity to obtain the building of the former First Church of Christ at 484 Carey Avenue in Wilkes-Barre in January of 2022. This larger building, along with a parsonage and church lot, was generously donated to LHBC. In addition, many of its former members decided to join LHBC.
The joining of our 2 congregations remains a great testimony of the love and unity of Christ’s people and church. In all, LHBC’s history is a powerful story of god’s grace and faithfulness. Our young history is marked by God’s provision of wonderful servants of Christ, as well as church meeting places and church buildings. By God’s miraculous grace, LHBC has had the privilege to impact numerous lives and uncompromisingly proclaim, defend, and live out God’s inerrant and authoritative Word. We praise God for each of you who have been used and have contributed to this Christ-centered and Christ-honored ministry!